Frank Ng Bock Seng

Learn not to impress, but to express your desire to improve things for your industry and society. Knowledge is not power but mental garbage until it is organised, continually enhanced, applied constructively or disruptively to serve.”

Frank Ng Bock Seng
IBF Fellow (2022), Financial Planning

Frank Ng Bock Seng

Director, Financial Services, The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited


Frank joined the financial services industry in 1987.

A strong believer in personal and professional development, Frank continues to upgrade himself. Notably, he was in the pioneer batch of practitioners to receive the LUTC Fellow designation in 1997 and the Certified Financial Planner™ designation in 2001.

Since 1996, Frank has been contributing to the professional development of his fellow practitioners as a trainer and moderator as he believes in sharing his experience and skillset to shorten their learning curve. Currently, he is an Associate Trainer with Centre for Excellence, the training arm of Great Eastern Life, GE Life, where he conducts leadership and practitioners' courses and an AMTC Moderator with Financial Services Managers Association, FSMA, for agency management courses.

An advocator to improve the eco-system for his fellow practitioners in GE Life, Frank served in Great Eastern Managers Council, GMC from 2003 to 2015 to represent agency leaders and their financial representatives to engage his company. Over these years, he headed many portfolios, which include agency contract, structure, compensation, products, operations, marketing, training and compliance. He served as GMC Chairman in 2010, 2014 and 2015. In 2010, during the mini-bond saga, as GMC Chairman, he spearheaded a successful negotiation with his company for a voluntary full redemption program worth over $200 million for affected clients.

In 2016, he founded the Association of Great Eastern Leaders, AGEL to continue and enhance the good works of GMC. He served as AGEL Chairman from 2016 to 2018. Since 2019, he stepped down to be the Vice Chairman and adviser to the current AGEL Chairman.

Since 2014, Frank is a member of the Strategic & Technical Advisory Response, STAR Team, aptly described by a Minister as the commando team that represents the interests of more than 18,000 fellow practitioners to engage the Monetary Authority of Singapore, government agencies, Life Insurance Association and other stakeholders on regulatory changes and matters that affect the industry.

As a practitioner, he continues to qualify and is a Life Member of the GE Life Achievers Club, the elite club for GE Life practitioners and leaders. He qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table (USA), a qualification exclusively for the top financial service practitioners worldwide.

In 2022, Frank was conferred the IBF Fellow award that recognises practitioners whom have demonstrated a mastery in his profession with exemplify thought leadership and commitment to industry development.

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