​Submission for Funding Support on Training Partners Gateway (TPGateway) for Financial Institutions

As part of the Government’s larger effort, led by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), to streamline training grants administration across Government and improve accessibility to individuals and enterprises, the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF) will migrate existing e-services for Training Providers from the IBF Portal to the Training Partners Gateway (TPGateway) on 10 October 2022.

TPGateway is a one-stop portal for Training Providers, launched by SSG on 12 October 2020. TPGateway allows Training Providers to access relevant resources on the Training and Adult Education Industry (TAE) as well as to tap funding grants across different government bodies or agencies. It provides a comprehensive list of resources and digital services to facilitate seamless training grant administration.

Kindly complete submissions for funding support for courses commencing:


Before 10 October 2022

on the IBF Portal

(Includes external training courses and in-house courses accredited with IBF under own company name)


On or After 10 October 2022

on the TPGateway

(Only includes in-house courses accredited with IBF under own company name)



​Funding Support Submission

Before Course
During Course
After Course
Add Course RunsCalculate GrantsSubmit EnrolmentUpload AttendanceSubmit Attendance
Maintenance of course runs and sessions for each approved courseEligible grant amount for learners calculated based on enrolment details submitted by TPs and FIs / FinTechs for In-house courses onlyLearners can take self-attendance via QR code or TPs upload on behalfBulk upload of assessment for reduction in processing time
 Course Runs and Course Sessions
In-house Courses for Financial
Institutions / FinTech Firms
Before course start date[1]
Enrolment must be submitted before or within 105 calendar
days after course run start date
Attendance records and Assessment results must be submitted within 105 calendar days after course run end date[2]


All Financial Institutions / Fintechs with IBF accredited courses must have a local Singapore bank account and subscribe to Corporate PayNow to receive disbursement. 

[1] Course runs and course sessions must be created before course start date for the link to the QR code for attendance taking to be sent to the Course Administrator and Trainer. 
[2] Applicable to manual attendance submission, otherwise all attendance should be taken digitally during the course run.

​Supporting Documents to be Submitted

Course Fee Subsidy
(Submission by FI/FinTech Firm for in-house courses)
a. Invoice issued by external consultant (if applicable)
b. Audit Certification Submission

The following documents must be submitted to IBF if your total grant submissions (based on course run end date) for each half-year period (January to June, and July to December) ≥ S$30,000:
  • Internal Audit / External Audit / Compliance Certification
  • Form B (In-house Developed Programme Form)

The audit certificates must be submitted to IBF via email at [email protected] within 3 months from the end of each half-year period (for the first half-year period, submission latest by end September and the 2nd half-year, by end March of the following year). Submission after these prescribed deadlines will not be accepted and might result in rejection of claims submitted to IBF.

Click here to download the template for Internal Auditors (IA) / Compliance (CC) certification.

Click here to download the template for External Auditors (EA) certification.

Click here to download the Terms of Reference for Auditors and Internal Compliance Departments.

Click here to download the Doc (B) In-house Developed Programmes Form.


​Other Information to Note

Licensed Representatives and General Insurance AgentsAll licensed representative (e.g. financial advisors, insurance agents, remisiers) and general insurance agents registered with the General Insurance Association’s (GIA) Agent Registration Board who wish to register for FTS courses, must provide a Letter of Support from his/her Financial Institution (FI) Principal.

Training providers should sight the staff pass of the licensed representative or registered agent, and check the MAS Register of Representatives / General Insurance Association (GIA) Agent Registration Board to confirm the trainee’s eligibility.
Documents to Retain by FIs / FinTech Firms for Audit Purpose
  • Form B (In-house programme form for Direct Training Cost)
  • Exchange rate[3] records for expenses paid in foreign currency other than SGD.
  • Documents to verify personal particulars[4] of trainees
  • Attendance (Only applicable to manual attendance submission) and assessment records[5] signed or acknowledged by the trainers and trainees
  • Full video recordings[6] of synchronised online training sessions
Revision to course code
FIs/FinTech Firms with in-house courses can login to your TPGateway account for the latest and updated course code before the claim submission.
Goods & Services Tax (GST)GST funding support will no longer be applicable for all courses effective 3 October 2022.
Double-FundingAll funding support submission by Financial Institutions / Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) certified FinTech Firms should not be claiming for any other grants, subsidies, or tax concessions, provided either by the Financial Sector Development Fund (FSDF) and/or other government agencies, unless explicitly permitted.
Administrative FeeIBF reserves the right to charge an administrative fee if there are errors associated with the funding support submission, regardless of whether any grants have been disbursed.
Computation of Unit CostClick here to access the computation for E-learning courses.

Click here to access the computation for Classroom Training.
Course Run & Course Session
​A course run and session(s) must be created before its course commencement date for the link to the QR code for attendance taking to be sent to the Course Administrator and Trainer.
Make-up Sessions / Assessment
​Ensure to conduct and submit the attendance and assessment records for the make-up session(s)/assessment(s) within the submission deadline and within 120 calendar days from the initial course run end date which the trainee was enrolled in.
Processing Timeline
IBF will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to process the funding support submission upon complete and accurate submission after the submission deadline for Attendance and Assessment records, and full payment made.

Longer processing time may be required in certain cases (e.g. incomplete or inaccurate submissions, Corporate PayNow not link or nonstandard cases).
[3] Exchange rate should be using the daily MAS Exchange Rate as at the date of the invoice. 
[4] Personal particulars include full names, last four (4) alphanumeric characters of NRIC numbers, mobile telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and nationalities.
[5] Attendance and assessment records should clearly state the IBF recognised course title, the start and end dates, and the start and end times of each training and/or assessment session. 
[6] Full video recording should clearly show the following: (i) Date and time records of the delivery of that training session / lesson; and (ii) Date and time records of presence of trainees corresponding to that training session / lesson.

​Foreign Currency Exchange Rate

Course fees paid in foreign currency other than Singapore dollar should be converted using the daily MAS Exchange Rate based on the date of the invoice. 

Click here to access the MAS Exchange Rate.


To access the TPGateway, please click here.

Self-help Guides and Frequently Asked Questions

1. Grants Process on TPG (Part 1)
2. Grants Process on TPG (Part 2)