Salim M Amin

In a constantly changing environment, the only way to stay relevant is to ensure continual learning, training and upskilling.”

Salim M Amin
IBF Fellow (2023), Financial Planning

Salim M Amin

CEO, Avallis Financial Pte Ltd


Salim has been associated with the financial services industry for more than 37 years, advising individuals, families and private businesses in the areas of financial planning, investments and family succession planning. With an in depth understanding of the financial issues in the area of retirement planning, wealth accumulation and estate planning, he has helped many to achieve their financial goals and steer through in challenging times.

Salim is currently the CEO of Avallis Financial Pte Ltd and an executive director of Avallis Investments. His primarily function is to chart the strategic direction and growth path of the group and groom leaders and advisers to achieve greater heights in the industry.

His views in financial planning have been reflected in various financial journals and media. He was Past President of the Association of Financial Advisers(Singapore), and has been involved with MoneySENSE, Singapore’s national financial education programme as a speaker. Salim was also involved in the development of the ISO 22222 Personal Financial planning in Singapore, and has been a regular speaker at various seminars & forums on topics regarding personal finance and investments. Salim is also serving as the Honorary Secretary of Muslim Financial Planning Association (Singapore).

Salim is currently the Vice President of Financial Advisers Association(S) and is currently heading an ambitious project to develop a Policy Submission Gateway to be used by FAs for the purpose of providing a single sign on process for electronic KYC and e application of insurers in Singapore.

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